Written by Emerald
Yes, you read that correctly, Ryan did indeed hold me, hostage, on the first night we met. Granted, it wasn't only Ryan who wouldn't let me leave that night. I'll start from the beginning and you'll see exactly what I mean. But, the short version goes: my roommate made me go play games at her friend's house with 5 men I didn't know. They wouldn't let me leave until I watched a movie. Ryan was super cute; how could I say no?
Meeting Him
I was in my first semester at Utah State University. Of course, I would meet the love of my life during the best month of the year, October. However, I had no choice in the matter, but blessings are blessings, am I right? I had spent the day at my cousin's house a couple of towns away, doing my laundry. It was once I got home, to my on-campus apartment, that my day got interesting. I walked in the door and was immediately informed by my roommate, that I was going with her to a game night at her friend's house.
I knew the friend she was talking about. To me, his name was white-shirt-guy. You see, I'm terrible with names and forgot his instantly, as is my usual. He always wore a white shirt when he came over to our apartment, thus he earned his moniker. So we climbed in her car and went to get pizza and kool-aid for everyone.
Once the living room at the guys' apartment was set up with a board game and food, the rest of white-shirt-guy's roommates were arriving home. This handsome guy with thick, curly hair walked through the door in USU sweats and a blue hoodie. Ryan may not have been trying to impress anyone, but he sure made an impression on me. We laughed and chatted for hours as we played "Shadows Over Camelot" and Ryan was strictly trying to hinder his roommate -and still a great friend- Phill. The game rivalry is still going strong between the two.
We Got to Know Eachother
As the night went on and we finished playing games, all 5 of the guys found out that I had never seen a movie called "Scott Pilgrim vs the World" and they all decided that was unacceptable. Thus, I was no longer allowed to leave their house until I sat down and watched the entire movie. My roommate decided to go home and leave me alone with these 5 men that I met that night, only hours before this; aside from white-shirt-guy. Not only did she abandon me to these guys who were now holding me, hostage, but she took my key to the apartment since she forgot her own. As she was my ride to their house, Ryan insisted he would drive me back after the movie.
Accepting my fate, I sat on the longer of the two couches in their living room as the guys got more snacks together, some blankets, and the movie. While we were watching the movie -which is only alright (don't tell Ryan I said that, haha)- my roommate texted me, bluntly asking if I liked any of the 5 guys. I swear that was her plan all along, the little matchmaker. Either way, she knew how we were all sitting before she left, and knew exactly what to do when I said I was interested in Ryan.
Ryan is Too Cute to Resist
By the halfway point of the movie, white-shirt-guy had more than half of the couch to himself while Ryan and I were squished together, not that we minded too much. After a while longer, I noticed something moving out of the corner of my eye. I looked down and saw that Ryan was reaching for my hand in that slow back-and-forth movement that chameleons do. That was the most adorable way to make a move that I have ever seen.
Eventually, we were holding hands and cuddling with each other even when white-shirt-guy left and we had room to spread out. We talked for a while after the movie ended and Ryan drove me back to my apartment where we exchanged numbers and chatted for a few minutes while I waited for my roommate to answer her phone and let me in the apartment.
We got engaged exactly one year after that night and married a few months later. It's been paradise ever since we met. Sometimes you just know when you've met the right person and everything works out to give you the greatest blessings in your life.
I love you, Ryan!
